
Anglers Against Pollution
22 November 2023

Landmark victory for Fish Legal! High Court rules Defra’s…

Fish Legal and Pickering Fishery Association have won a landmark judicial review in the High Court a…
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16 June 2022

Jamie Cook: Big Questions 2

In his second article answering anglers’ questions, Jamie Cook looks at Fish Legal, the ACA and how…
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10 March 2022

Legal action confirmed for appalling River Lugg damage

The Angling Trust and Fish Legal welcome the decision by Natural England and the Environment Agency…
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06 October 2021

Fish Legal force the Environment Agency to think again

The Environment Agency has said they will amend the Regulatory Position Statement (RPS), issued on 6…
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11 November 2020

Fish Legal forces Environment Agency to back down over…

Anglers can today celebrate winning the first round in their battle to save an important bream spawn…
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Fish Legal
07 August 2020

Tragic pollution on Llynfi puts club’s work to waste.

Fish Legal is currently advising members Gwent Angling Society in respect of a major pollution to hi…
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