
23 June 2020

UK’s Marine Management Organisation update their information on Atlantic…

Despite all the evidence of a substantial recovery in stocks over the last ten years, more recent im…
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Anglers Against Litter
22 June 2020

Fishing’s newcomers urged to protect wildlife from dangers of…

New anglers who have taken up the sport since lockdown are being reminded by the Angling Trust and t…
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15 June 2020

Grey Mullet: Justification for Management

Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, discusses the need for better management of grey mu…
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11 June 2020

Government’s Advice on Charter Boat Fishing Trips – Confusing,…

The Angling Trust and the Professional Boatman’s Association have reacted angrily to the new guidanc…
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10 June 2020

Anglers Face ‘Lock Out’ From New Marine Zones

Recreational sea anglers in England face the prospect of being locked out of some of their favourite…
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03 June 2020

Technology Solutions in Embracing the ‘New Solutions’

Nevin Hunter, Marine Coordinator for the Angling Trust, discusses the role of technology in communic…
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01 June 2020

Cromford Fly Fishers – Free Fishing for NHS Heroes

We are proud to support this kind gesture from one of our member clubs, Cromford Fly Fishers, to off…
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01 June 2020

Grey Mullet: Why Are They Threatened

In this next instalment, Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, talks about why grey mulle…
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29 May 2020

Fishing For Our Health

The value of nature has never been more apparent. As we continue living life in a coronavirus Britai…
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26 May 2020

Grey Mullet: An Introduction

Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, provides his expertise and understanding of grey mu…
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22 May 2020

Have Your Say on Water Management in England

The Challenges and Choices Consultation deadline has been extended to the 24th September 2020 due to…
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18 May 2020

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: A CHART for the UK

Steve Murphy, head of the Bluefin Tuna UK campaign and member of the Angling Trust’s marine advisory…
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