
Angling Trust
12 May 2020

Angling in Wales – Statement By The Angling Trust

The Angling Trust welcomes the decision to allow limited, local angling in Wales but wants Welsh ang…
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06 May 2020

From Critic to Sea Angling Champion: Why I’m Supporting…

  Anyone who knows me, or has followed my career over the past 26 years of editing and writing…
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05 May 2020

Fishing for Plaice

 We’ve all been locked down and unable to get out fishing – and of course this time of year is…
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24 April 2020

Sea Angling: A Key To Restoring Our Coastal Economy

Stuart Singleton-White, Head of Campaigns, sheds light on the vital role of recreational sea angling…
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20 April 2020

Grey Mullet: A Case For Reforming Inshore Netting

Hannah Rudd, Campaigns Officer, discusses the importance of reforming inshore netting for safeguardi…
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17 April 2020

Searching for a Crock of Gold – Why We…

The Angling Trust ambassador and artist Chris Turnbull and I have a lot in common. We have a romanti…
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08 April 2020

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Whilst Staying At Home

We recognise that this presents unprecedented times for us all; having to get used to staying at hom…
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06 April 2020

Yorkshire and North East Coastal Sea Trout Netting Season…

The Environment Agency will not be extending the season for trout netting in the Yorkshire and the N…
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27 March 2020

More Action Needed to Prevent Scottish Salmon Farms Impact…

The Missing Salmon Alliance members today published updated guidance on the need for the urgent impl…
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19 March 2020

Saving Our Wild Atlantic Salmon

Hannah Rudd, Campaigns Officer, discusses the Angling Trust’s involvement with the Missing Salmon Al…
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16 March 2020

A Watery Parliament: Challenging MPs To Do More

Stuart Singleton-White, Head of Campaigns, weighs in on the Angling Trust’s fight for freshwater in…
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09 March 2020

A Catch-Up on the IFCAs: Management of the English…

Hannah Rudd, Campaigns Officer, provides an update on the marine protected area work of the Associat…
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